Rezultati Konkursa za rezidencijalni boravak književnih prevodilaca – Translation in Motion Programme
U skladu sa Konkursom za rezidencijalni boravak književnih prevodilaca koji je raspisan u okviru projekta Translation in Motion, a koji implementira OKF Cetinje u svojstvu Organizacije domaćina, objavljujemo rezultate Konkursa.
Na osnovu kriterijuma Konkursa, Translation in motion Upravljački odbor odabrao je sljedeće kandidatkinje koje su se prijavile za rezidencijalni boravak na Cetinju:
- Elvira Veselinović (Njemačka)
- Susan Curtis (Engleska)
- Dimana Miteva (Bugarska)
Program rezidencijalnih boravaka književnih prevodilaca održaće se tokom 2023. godine na Cetinju a realizuje se u okviru projekta Translation in Motion (1/2/21-31/8/23) koji je sufinansiran kroz program Kreativna Evropa Evropske unije.
The results of the Call for the residential stay for literary translators – Translation in Motion Programme
In accordance with the Call for the residential stay for literary translators, which was announced as part of the Translation in Motion project, and implemented by OKF Cetinje as the host organization, we are announcing the results of the Call.
Based on the criteria of the Call, the Translation in motion Management Board selected the following candidates who applied for a residential stay in Cetinje:
- Elvira Veselinović (Germany)
- Susan Curtis (England)
- Dimana Miteva (Bulgaria)
The residential program for literary translators will take place in 2023 in Cetinje and is realized as part of the Translation in Motion project (1/2/21-31/8/23), which is co-financed through the Creative Europe program of the European Union.